1. Promotion Management
  2. Sharing your promotions

How to Embed Your BeeLiked Promotions

BeeLiked offers multiple embed options to seamlessly integrate your promotions into your website.

Whether you need an inline experience, a pop-up, or a dynamic slider, our flexible embed options help you engage users effectively.

Each embed type serves a different purpose, allowing you to control how and when your promotion appears to visitors.




How to Embed a Promotion

  1. Select Your Embed Type

    Navigate to the Share Center in BeeLiked

  2. Choose Your Promotion
    Select the public promotion you wish to embed from the drop-down menu of your available promotions.

  3. Choose an embed style

    You can see a detailed explanation of the options in the next section.

  4. Copy the Embed Code

    • If using a standard embed, copy the provided code and paste it directly into your website or WordPress page.
    • For other types, configure the settings (such as triggers and positioning) before copying the code.
  5. Paste into Your Website

    • If using General, paste the code directly into your website's HTML.
    • If using WordPress, select the WordPress option and insert the code within a page or post.



Embed options

1. Standard Embed

  • Use Case: Best for integrating the promotion directly into a webpage’s content. Ideal for permanent placements.
  • How It Works: Loads the promotion within an iFrame that you set on your page.

2. Full Page Embed

  • Use Case: Displays the promotion as a full-page experience, grabbing the visitor’s full attention.
  • How It Works: Loads the promotion as a full-page view, either on page load or triggered by a user action (like clicking a button).

3. Popup Embed

  • Use Case: Great for temporary engagement, such as exit-intent popups, limited-time offers, or capturing user attention without redirecting.
  • How It Works: Opens as a floating window when triggered by a click or user interaction.
  • Triggers: These can be set to open based on user actions such as clicking a button, scrolling, or clicking on a page exit intent.

4. Slider Embed

  • Use Case: Best for subtle engagement, appearing as a slide-in panel on the side of the screen.
  • How It Works: Displays a sliding panel that introduces the promotion without interrupting the page experience.
  • Customization: Choose a position (e.g., bottom-right) and set any triggers.

5. Popover Embed

  • Use Case: Works well for CTA buttons that expand into a promotion when clicked, perfect for non-intrusive engagement.
  • How It Works: A small button is embedded on the page. When clicked, the promotion is revealed in an overlay.
  • Customization: You can customize the text, button color, typography and set any triggers

Customization & Support

  • Predefined Code: The embed codes are designed to work out of the box. You can modify the code if needed, but BeeLiked cannot guarantee support for custom implementations.
  • Compatibility: Works across modern browsers and devices without issues.
  • No Additional Dependencies: Copy and paste; no external libraries required.
  • If you change any embed settings, make sure you update the code on your website.