1. Developers

API Playground - creating variable text or imagery in private (invite only) promotions

The InviteLink URL can be personalized to show text or imagery on the promotion relevant to an individual user

This article is part of our Playground series, where you can learn how to use BeeLiked's API without needing an Account of your own. See the Playground Introduction page for details

Why personalize the experience? 

To enter a promotion that has been made 'Private,' you will need to send individuals their own InviteLink ( a URL to the promotion that includes a unique 10-character alphanumeric code). As the code is unique, it means that you can give a personal experience.

To demonstrate this in action, we have set up a Pop the Balloon  promotion as a Private Promotion (entry is only possible with the one-use InviteLinks) and with placeholders for variable text and images.

Below is an example of a personalized version. Here is the actual invitelink used: https://playground.entry.promo/seasons-greatings?inv=VBoExFl26y

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 17.10.02

Here are links to some other articles that might be useful:

  • How to set up placeholders on your own promotion, so you know how to do it when creating your own. Learn How

  • How to Preview Private Promotions that are still in Draft Mode and simulate entries with placeholder data like people's names, emails, or custom fields. Learn How

Creating InviteLinks to pass variable data and imagery

We've set up a promotion to display variable data and a variable image (a logo).

  • The promotion is called: Season's Greetings

  • The Promo ID is 24782

To create InviteLinks with personalization

Call the following API endpoint








Promotion identifier


String (optional, generated when not provided)

Unique identifier of the audience member


String (required when uid is provided)

Field used as uid


Array|Object (optional)

An object containing the form field slugs as keys and data as values


The above Shrek example is set up with placeholders for: 

  • First Name: Shrek
  • Last Name: Two
  • Email  (as UID but no placeholder): shrek2@disney.com
  • Picture-1: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/shrek-forever-after-1587549453.jpg?crop=0.676xw:0.901xh;0.0969xw,0&resize=2048:*

Here's an example of a screenshot from Postman (using different data)

Here's an example

curl --request POST \ --url https://api.beeliked.com/v2/invite-link \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgO' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "promotion_id": "21313", "uid": "johndoe@acme.com", "url": "https://beeliked.pollen8.co/my-campaign", "uid_field": "email", "field_values": "{first-name: '\''John'\'','\''last-name'\'': '\''Doe'\'', '\''email'\'': '\''james.bond@tboo.com'\''}" }'


For Retrieving the uid_field value, we need to call this endpoint,

curl \ -X GET https://api.beeliked.com/v2/promotions/24782  \ -H 'Accept: application/json'  \-H "Authorization: Bearer <Your Generated Token>"


Which will give us the number of fields available in that promotion, it will have an attribute is_uid_field.

If the is_uid_field is true, then we have to use the slug attribute value, i.e., for this promotion, is email.

The InviteLinks can be personalized for users and also can be anonymous. If we add the uid and uid_field, it creates personalized InviteLinks, and if the uid is not provided in the request, it creates an anonymous InviteLink.


If you want to add extra field values not present by default, e.g., customer-id, order-id, company, address, etc., then currently, this requires that you have access to edit the Promotion (via the platform) and add new fields to one of your existing promotions - this then adds the field to Audience and makes it available for use across all your promotions. See How

For your information, to display a dynamic image as the balloon canvas, you need to add the placeholder shortcode for the field into the Advanced Settings for the balloon:

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 17.25.00

But you can also display other images in the body of your promotion page by adding the html image tags in the code and including the placeholder shortcode in the source code. 

<p style="text-align:center;">
<img style="max-width:300px;" src="">


This shows up on the promotion like this: