Add your own one-use coupon codes or voucher codes, or unique URLs to Outcome Messages or Autoresponder Emails
If you would like your entrants to win single-use discount coupon codes and have a list of these codes or URLs, then you're in luck, as BeeLiked makes this easy through our Coupon Collections.
BeeLiked can serve these codes, one by one, to people that enter your promotion, and it can be dependent on what outcome they get. For example, if you are running a spin-the-wheel promotion and have different segments of your wheel offering different value Amazon Vouchers, you can automatically serve the correct value voucher to each person depending on what segment they land on.
If you are on our Professional or Enterprise Plan, you will have access to this feature and can start making use of it right away.
Add your Coupons
If you've purchased or generated your own codes already and want to upload them to be served out one by one, with different prize values for different winning outcomes, then click here to read how to add your Coupons.
Did you know that you can purchase gift codes from BeeLiked that your users can redeem at over 600 different brands?
We can even set up your campaign for you with these codes to be sent automatically. It's a totally hassle-free way to set up prize automation for your promotions and is provided via our latest service BeeLiked Rewards