Turn on, configure and send automatic emails to Entrants

Learn how to turn this feature on and configure the emails.

You can only send automatic emails to your Entrants if you have a Professional or Enterprise plan.


Assuming that's the case, then keep reading. Otherwise, you will need to upgrade your plan.

Entry Confirmation Emails

This email is sent as soon as someone completes the entry steps for your promotion. It can be used to thank them for entering, send them follow-up info, or even offer a discount.

To configure your email, there are a few steps:

1. Setup the autoresponder - Mask your email address

You need to set the Sender Email so that your emails originate from your domain. You can read more on that here.

2. Turn them on

Go to the Emails tab in the left-hand menu within the Builder. To turn either of them on, you toggle the On/Off switch, as you can see below.



3. Design and write your email

You can read how to do this by clicking here.